Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tower of London: Stepping Back In Time

The entrance into the Tower of London
The Tower of London is an amazing place where you can learn a lot about London and the people who lived in the city over one thousand years ago.  London in the Middle Ages was very different to London today.  Back in those days if the King didn't like you (maybe you said he couldn't do something he really wanted to do), chances are you would end up in jail, or even worse, lose your head!  Punishments were always pretty cruel.  If you were found gossiping (talking about your friend in a mean way), you would have to wear this mask for a while.  Looks pretty uncomfortable if you ask me.

The Gossip Mask
I found it interesting that jail wasn't always a terrible punishment.  Some jail cells looked like this.  They had furniture and a fireplace, almost like a modern day hotel room.  Some prisoners were even allowed to have their families live in the Tower of London with them.

A jail cell at the Tower of London

Today the Tower of London is still used as a fortress.  It is where all of the Queen's jewels and gold items are kept safe.  During the day you can go into the massive safe where all the treasure is kept, but at night guards lock up the safe to keep all those diamonds out of burglars' hands.

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