Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Golden Falls

They say that on a sunny day the falls are golden because of a rainbow that appears in the mist.  I think they are golden for a couple of other reasons.  The first one being that Iceland has kept the falls just the way they are.  Back in 1957 a local resident fought to stop a dam from being built at the falls, the dam would have allowed for hydro electricity, her argument was that "the falls are beautiful".  Yes they are.  Iceland has since been able to produce enough electricity for the country using geothermal sources (I will tell you all about that later).  Another reason these falls are golden is that you can get right up to them, jump in if you wanted to, although the rocks at the bottom might hurt a bit.  There are no tall metal fences, no glass walls, no painted lines telling you to "stay back, just a little bit of rope next to the cliff.  That means you have to use your common sense to stay safe.  All this trusting makes you feel that the falls are really yours to enjoy.  They are here on this Earth and you are allowed to enjoy them, get close to them and even touch them.  Now that is pretty golden!


  1. who's taking these amazing photos of you? :)

  2. Hey Fergus, I met a whole bunch of lovely people while I was touring around, and this picture was taken by a very friendly woman from Seattle. She was very interesting and just coming back from an adventure in Europe.

    Arren, the falls are 32m tall...but come down like a staircase with two drops.


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