Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where Are The Garbage Cans?

I love India.  It is a beautiful country with friendly people, delicious food, warm weather and lots of lush, green forests all over.  The one thing that I am having trouble with in India is how people handle their garbage, they litter!  If you are drinking a soda and you are finished with the can, you toss it on the ground.  If you are done eating your popsicle you simply throw the stick onto the road.  If you have a dirty tissue to get rid of, throw it out of the window of your car.  People do this because there are no garbage cans anywhere.  Yikes!  This may seem weird to us because we spend so much time talking about not littering and keeping our city clean, so why is this allowed in India.

Meet the garbage eaters,

A family of wild pigs eating piles of garbage on the side of the road.
Every once in a while walking along the street you will come across a bunch of pigs feasting on garbage and litter that has been dropped by the people of the city.  By eating the garbage they are breaking it down and turning it into poop that will mix back into the soil.

This little piggy seems upset that I am interrupting his feast.
Also in certain villages in India instead of garbage collectors there are street sweepers.  People who are paid to sweep up all the litter from around the village and place it in one spot for the animals to munch on.  Of course things like plastic and glass can't be eaten by the pigs and those items will continue to litter the streets for many years to come.

What do you think is best, having garbage cans on every corner, or littering anywhere you like?


  1. Cool I like the pigs that eat garbage! I think we should have garbage cans for things that are inedible for the pigs. But we can throw things on the ground that pigs can eat.

  2. I wonder if creating "garbage troughs" would be possible. People could put the garbage in the troughs instead of on the streets, and the pigs could still be fed.


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