Saturday, October 23, 2010

Train to the Jungle

Gettting to the jungle was quite an adventure in itself!  The first part of the trip is taking a 5 hour train ride.

Mr. P trying to get comfortable on his wooden seat.  Not the best place to take a nap.
Photo: Laura Muir
Taking the train in Thailand is different than taking a train back home.  The seats aren't always as comfortable, the train ride can be pretty bumpy and there are times when you think the train might come flying off the tracks (but don't worry, it never does!) 

The train floating up high above the trees.  Maybe not a good way
to travel if you are afraid of heights.
The great part about taking the train is all the delicious food that is served by vendors that walk up and down the cars.  You can get full meals, fresh fruit, meat skewers with sticky rice and even sweet treats too.  A long train ride can sure make you hungry, so it is nice having all that food available to buy.

My lunch on the train of rice with spicy pork and egg cost only $1.

A sugar covered "sala pao" these little timbits are sweet until you hit the middle where you
will find some BBQ pork.  If you like maple syrup on your bacon, then this treat is for you.
 Taking the train was a lot of fun.  It was the beginning of a magical adventure I will never forget.  I can't wait to tell you all about my time in the jungle.

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